EAR WAVE EVENT wants your music!
None of the music on this website exists. But don't you wish it did? The reviews that make up this preview of EAR WAVE EVENT were created by a neural network fed and trained on contemporary music press. Inverting the normal flow of music criticism, we invite artists to use these reviews prescriptively - to create realizations of musics 'imagined' by a prosthetic mind.
To submit music for a specific review, just hit the 'submit' button at the bottom of that page and complete the form.
If there are any issues, please contact the editors at contact (at) earwaveevent.org.
Additionally, EAR WAVE EVENT invites proposals for articles, interviews, criticism, original sonic materials, etc. and we are particularly interested in forms that utilize the possibilities of a web-based publication. While our issues are not specifically themed, please investigate previous articles for a general sense of our publication.