Solo Canyon’s first album, 2011’s "Ragged Glory", was a record of pre-industrial grit and raw power, as one of the most potent and unforgiving elements of their sound was the way they could grind out a lot of noise without giving the listener much of a choice. "Doom Trip" is a record of high-energy, high-mindedness. It’s not a matter of heavy lifting, per se, but a concerted effort to push the sound of their material all the way over the edge, and to make a case for what the record is: a full-blown psychedelic rock record, but also a tightly controlled, cohesive work, a work that is genuinely remarkable in both its scope and its execution.
The opening track, “Vessel” is a gorgeous, nearly melodic drum roll, from which a series of almost cinematic synth lines are periodically broken up by a gorgeous, almost pop-inflected guitar solo. As the album progresses, the song becomes more and more layered, and eventually the entire track is a kind of dance-punk drone, with each of its three tracks alone lasting for over three hours. Each beat, each breath, each breath as the song spirals into black-tape-warped oblivion. Meanwhile, the guitars are so strong that they can be almost disorienting, as if the band are trying to pull you into their play space, and it works. For a long time, Solo Canyons relied on the steady flow of their album as a kind of blueprint: pitch-perfect songs with the final moments of the song in mind, and songs that felt like they could easily fall apart at any moment.