Baba Alohi
Sekoulekhet Tantruma In Ikram - A Parallel Discourse On The Etiology Of Sexual Assault
This recording was made in May 2016, and was made in Istanbul, but the raw sound gives it a bit of a late 1970s Ahmed Malek quality, in that the EBR unit are hammering away at keyboards, while the guy playing the tuba is doing a sort of imitation of Gira. And the dude with the guitar is doing something similar to a guembri, which is something very close to a breakdown. But it's actually a really odd juxtaposition: one hand, one foot, two hands, two feet, two hands, two pianos, two vibes. It's like an inverted pyramid, with the top half made up of regular instrumentation, the bottom being made up of strange electronic effects, loops and stray violins.