"Vans War One To One" is an EP from California based producer/vocalist/keyboardist John Pritchard. Recorded over two days in 2016, it is made from four fully improvised tracks. The first is a three and a half minute instrumental, Pritchard and collaborator Michael Oliva rotating through various parts of their own personalities while Pritchard delivers a few lines of spoken word poetry. The second is a four and a half minute vocal meditation, Pritchard imagining what it would sound like if he were writing to the familiar. The first half sounds like the kind of musical exploration Pritchard does best: a repetition of a few notes triggered by a beat (Pritchard's) that makes the sound seem to go on forever. The second half of the EP is less serious, and less melodramatic. The album notes on various pages of the site, such as “This track was recorded live, and it is too bad that so many musicians just don’t have that skill.”.