Schiffjesør has been performing as Sinjin Vija since 2011, but this EP is her first one in seven years. Her first three albums were all released by her label, Badlands, and the first two, “Schiffje” and “Vija”, were both recorded in 2010. Now the album’s 12 tracks are out on the Atlantic Commonde label.
The opening track “Kvitgjør” starts with a pie-in-the-sky opening title, before the record begins to build. The album’s main character is a Danish girl who has an anxiety disorder. On “Ola Ednjør” she sings about falling in love and being fucked by other girls. “Njævækvær” is more bass-heavy, with Pharmakon adding a few footnotes. Vija’s guitar on “Dælgær” is as deadpan as her songs on the album’s title track.
The title track opens with a Danish girl singing about her boyfriend’s death; a song that’s later followed by a diagrammatic representation of how the brain is damaged. On “Lømakvær” she talks about being an addict, about wanting to get high, about being a ‘control’ and nothing else. It’s a pretty straightforward song, but “Kvitgjør” is the best moment. The lyrics are simple: “I’m a bad girl/ I’m a broken girl/ I’m a criminal”.
Most of these songs are not as obvious as they might suggest, but Vija’s voice is no less complex. There’s a lot more going on here, but that’s the point. The album riffs on the idea of the party, with the lyrics linking the Ásatrúfoss’s song “Bilftiðiðið” to the Icelandic term góðirófoss.