Inocente Trio
An Ode To The Piano

The trio’s works were originally commissioned for performances in museums, and were heard by the artist, whose music is most often associated with the accommodation of the arts. The contents of this set are drawn from a series of interviews conducted by photographer and composer Chris Morrissey, who also co-ordinates the annual Joshua Tree Jazz festival.

“Museum Confidential” offers a rare glimpse into the mind of a museum curator, with pianist Woods expressing scepticism towards the idea of performing music as art, and expressing his desire for “the artists to become artists, not performers”. “Playing To The Sound Of The City” is far more expansive, with a participant describing the performance as “playing the music of the city,” while “People Are Going To Love Me” is a stirring piece for a contemporary orchestra. The post-minimalism theme is a key theme to the recording, with the pianist introducing a new orchestral sound into the mix with an improvised vocal performance.

The piano piece “Farewell To City Hall” is the only piece to have been recorded by Morrissey, and it’s the album highlight, filling out the longer compositions with an accordion solo and a dramatic finale. The violin piece “City Of Light” is also featured, and its dramatic finale is a beautifully evocative, spoken-word piece. “Museum Is Being Picked Up” is a track that’s played with a real zing, and the sound of a violin being strummed. The final piece “The Upheaval Of The City” is also a highlight, presenting a hauntingly beautiful composition.

The recordings were recorded between 1999-2000 with the help of the pianist, and it’s encouraging to hear how well the material is received.

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