
The last piece on this album was written in an office, in a recording studio. Sheer chaos ensued.

4x12" was an 11×11 cm board, painted in a white, black and red colour scheme. It had a piece of paper on which were written messages – messages about feelings, ideas, feelings. In the middle of it was a black circle – a black square with white lines connecting it. It was two and a half by four metres high and four by six centimetre wide, and it was made of heavy cardboard. It belonged to a man named Georges Pozaros, who died in 2011.

I asked the artist who made it what his name was, and he told me it was Vexx. He said it was the last piece he would ever write in his life. He said he was sitting at a desk, and as he wrote the words to the piece, they started moving and he started to cry.

He told me to erase them and put them in a record sleeve and he put the piece in. Vexx was not meant to last, he said. He said it would end shortly. I was so moved I almost lost the piece.

It is a sad story, but one that has to be told.

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