The Bends MC & DJ Sporrens
The Bends MC & DJ Sporrens

The Bends have responded to the success of last year’s critically acclaimed “Best Of” with a second album. But what really sold the record was the album’s pop-inflected approach to R&B, with “Bad Blood”, “Love Is A Killer”, “Thrift Shop” and “I Know You Love Me”.

The Bends are a lovely, spare bunch, led by vocalist Corrine Brooks, who has an infectious voice and the energy of an ex-con. The album opener’s “Bad Blood” is a joyous banger with a sweet chorus from Brooks – one of the most interesting MCs of 2017. “This is the best you’ll ever get/When you’re the only one you’ve ever loved”, she says on the track, “I’m doing what I always do”, and I’d say that’s true.

On “Bad Blood”, the band got clever and started making love like it’s a Bond Theme song. It’s a mostly satisfying listen, with a few sonic oddities that detract from the overall feel of the record. “Love Is A Killer” is similarly irresistible, with a punchy vocal from Brooks, and the production and lyrics are the real deal. “The Bends” is an emotional track, as it gently lingers over “I Know You Love Me” and the reduction to two minutes makes it a great listen. “Bad Blood” is the album’s weak link. The vocal sinks in, the lyrics fade out – it all feels a little bit too easy, but the mood is more powerful than it is. “Bad Blood” reminds me of a slightly more melodic side to The Gladiators, as the music floats in gently.

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