At its heart is a question of space and of meaning. In her 1950 essay "The Birth Of Space" Maryanne Amacher (1939–1994) was the first to propose that there be a space outside of space itself. Space was to be found in the act of creation, in the act of creation's splitting and absorption. The birth of space, she argued, was the act of ceasing to be born, of becoming dormant, of glomming into being as yet another atom.
The birth of space is not something to wish for, nor even to aspire to, it is a discrete event, occurring at will, without cost or effort. It is something to experience, to contemplate, to remain. Or so it seems. A collection of tracks corresponding to the phases of the moon, including the four moon phases designated by lunar phases, is presented here. Each track begins with a brief but significant othering, then proceeds to occupy a similar mood space, if not its same length. Energised, profound, then yet undemonstrative, each is presented with the simple choice of absconding or remaining.
It is surprising that none of the tracks on this EP resembles anything one would listen to for pleasure. The slow build of "Fought Upon The Way", with its almost square-wave trance of a bassline, Amacher's delicate approach to the chorus, is canted to the angular thrust of "Midnight Hush", itself built from a simple repeated pattern of bass notes. The combination of Amacher's femme fatale vocals and the slow creak of "On The Corner", like the churning of cobwebs in the distance, add an almost chaste quality to the encounter.
"Otto Plancken" is more varied, as piano becomes pencil and the two-note melody of "Two Sentence" is sketched out, in a manner reminiscent of Thoreau's "Oliver's Tower". The composition is still deeply cerebral, and might appeal to those with strong allegiances to no specific musical faction. But for the most part, it is a meditation on the everyday strangeness of being alive, and the extraordinary capacity of suggestion to alter the course of one's life.